
Too Much To Dream

Mixed Media was alcohol inks, acrylic, and magic markers on gessobord. Really enjoyed the process.

First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City Annual Art Festival

No admission. Performance and Visual Art. Light Refreshments. Easter Weekend. April 20th and 21st, 2019. It is a three ring circus of the arts.

Saturday April 20th 2019

Annual Fine Arts and Crafts Fair

5:00 – 10:00 pm in Eliot Hall --- The art and crafts of over 25 artists and artisans for sale. This is a fund raiser with 30% of all sales going to church. Admission is free.

A Free Fun Family Event


5:00 - 6:00 pm Aerial Arts of Utah - Outdoor Plaza Performance 

6:30 - 6:45 pm First Unitarian Church Children’s Choir – Sanctuary

7:15 - 8:15 pm Lori Shields and Stacey Cole Sing-a-long - Rose Garden/ Little Chapel

8:45 – 10:00 pm Tablado - Flamenco guitar, dance and song - Little Chapel

Light refreshments provided.

First Unitarian Church of SLC

569 S 1300 E


As of March 21st, 2019

It is interesting that as I continue to paint the % of sales always stays between 60 & 70 %. As I like to joke, it is the 30-40 % that is drowning me. As of March 21st, 2019 I have paint 278 paintings. The majority painted sinced I retired in June of 2012.

Recently Sold

  • Aspen Orange
  • Martini Dreams
  • City Lights #2
  • Jubiliant
  • Crack in the Sky
  • Monoliths
  • Flowers in Orange
  • Mercado de Jamaica, Mexico City
  • Krakatoa II

Show March 13th to April 16th at Local Colors

It has been almost a year since my last Featured Artist Show in 2018. This year (2019) I have focused on lager paintings. Local Colors is a great place to view these lager works.

Artist's reception is March 15th 6 pm to 9 pm. 1054E 2100 S Salt Lake City

Oct. 12th 2018 "Halloween" Event at Local Colors"

I actually painted a very heavy gourd: 24 inches long. Was lot's of fun!

Demo Friday 13th, 6-9 pm

Don't miss Art Demo Night this Friday (yes, the 13th) when watercolorist Blaine Clayton, metalsmith jeweler Debbie Valline and abstract artist extraordinaire Bill Reed demonstrate how to make ART!

  • See Blaine Clayton demonstrate how to paint watercolors!
  • See metalsmith jeweler Debbie Valline show how to make cold connections jewelry!!
  • See Bill Reed demo his technique for making original acrylic abstract art greeting cards!!!

Local Colors is located at 1054 East 2100 South and more details can be found on their website and Facebook page.

Finished 2 Paintings Today

I continue to paint with iron, bronze, and copper laden paint then adding rust and patina. These 2 paintings are on wood panels. Have added these images to gallery where they can be enlarged.










Gallery Stroll Tonight, June 15, 2018

I am in the Group Show at Local Colors




Spiral Jetty 2011

Not to long ago when the Spiral Jetty was covered with salt and the waters were pink. The spiral jetty has been a great inspiration to me in that Robert Smithson’s 1970 earthwork is as amazing today as when he created it, and it has perhaps changed in ways he did not foresee.





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